Ingrid E. White & Eva D. White

Lutrinastraße 11
67655 Kaiserslautern


Fon: +49 6 31 - 9 23 56



The initial visit

During your initial visit we will need information about your past health history. This does not only include your current issues, but also past diseases, operations, and accidents. This allows us to reach the most accurate diagnosis and therefore the most effective treatment for you.

After this an extensive examination will follow. These exams involve not only your musculoskeletal system, but also orthopedic, neurological, and special chiropractic exams. If you have any x-rays, MRIs, CTs, or any other medical papers please bring them with you.

In the event that your problems do not evolve from a muskuloskeletal source, we will send you to the appropriate professional for further investigation.

The treatment

The aim of chiropractic is to resolve functional problems of your musculoskeletal system. The main objective in chiropractic is to manually mobilize hypomobile joints. These are joints that are still in their normal physiological boundaries, but do not move as well as they should. We try to restore this movement by placing a very minute and precise impulse into that segment, which can cause a popping or clicking sound. This sound arises when gas bubbles in the joint fluid collapse. Alternate methods, which do not cause this sound can be used for patients who prefer soundless techniques.

After the adjustment, soft tissue techniques, cold laser therapy, or advice for your daily life may follow.

Who can be treated by chiropractic?

Chiropractic offers a wide range of techniques, so that every age group and any body size can be treated. We do not only treat patients with the classical back and neck pain, but also for example babies with birth trauma, babies with colic and chronic ear infections, school kids with back pain from sitting too long and carrying heavy loads. In addition we treat teenagers with growth pains and elderly with arthritic pain, as well as people with disc problems, TMJ problems, pregnant ladies, headaches and many more symptoms.

Risks and Side Effects

Some side effects may occur after your first adjustment. These are minute and not dangerous and last for maximally 1-2 days.

These side effects involve sore muscles, since the muscles have to work differently after the treatment. The popping or clicking sound might occur more often, which is harmless. You might also be very tired after the adjustment. This occurs, because our parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated, which makes us relax and calm down.

In addition there might be more pain for 1-2 days following the adjustment, especially in the beginning of the treatment. Often times there is inflamed tissue around the fixated joint, which might get aggravated through the adjustment. If the pain gets too dominant you may ice down that area (please put a towel around the ice pack and do NOT cool longer than 20 minutes at a time). Warmth increases inflammation and should be avoided at this time.

Chiropractic treats the muskuloskeletal system and therefore the risks are very minute. Risks arise f.ex. with serious disease like malignancies. This is why a thorough examination and consultation is so important. Contrary to some old wives tales, the adjustment done by a Doctor of Chiropractic trained according to our international standards does not make the joint instable or loosen it up.

treatment techniques

We offer:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
    • Impulse and reflex techniques (Diversified, Thompson, Activator, Toftness, SOT, Logan Basic, Extremity and TMJ adjustments)
  • Soft tissue treatments
    • Cox Distraction
    • Nimmo (Trigger point therapy)
    • Kinesio-taping
    • B.E.S.T.
    • Akupunktur
    • Graston (Soft/connective tissue work)
    • Paediatric and pregnancy care

Further informations / Downloads

For further informations on the treatments we offer you take a look at the following flyers:

German Flyers:

Download a free adobe version here.

Business Hours

09:00 - 11:30
14:30 - 18:30
09:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
09:30 - 12:30
09:00 - 13:00
15:00 - 18:00
12:00 - 16:00

To make appointments call us during our opening hours at: +49 631 923 56


Eva D. White DC, FEAC
Doctors of Chiropractic
Doctors of Chiropractic Lutrinastraße 11 67655 Kaiserslautern Fon: +49 6 31 - 9 23 56 Fax: +49 6 31 - 6 41 36